Assignment of Contract

If you are wholesaling a property and want to assign your rights to the purchase contract then you can use an “assignment of contract form”.

Please note that by using this form you acknowledge that we are not providing you with legal, financial or tax advice. Please consult with your attorney prior to using this assignment of contract form (or ask your attorney to prepare one for you or review/modify this one for you). We are not providing legal advise by giving you access to this assignment of contract form.

By using this assignment of contract you agree to hold the author of this document and the publisher of this web site as well as Lex Levinrad and the Distressed Real Estate Institute LLC, harmless for any use or misuse of this assignment of contract form. Please note that we recommend that you consult with an attorney prior to using any documents in real estate transactions and this document is provided for education purposes only. By copying, downloading or using this form you acknowledge that we are not rendering you any legal advice whatsoever. This document references the State of Florida and laws differ by State. Use this form at your own risk.

Assignment of Contract Form

Assignment of Contract Form

Enter Your Name and Email Address