Creating Wealth By Buying & Holding Rental Properties

Creating Wealth By Buying & Holding Rental Properties

New investors think that they can get wealthy living off the cash flow of rental properties.

However, in most situations, you will be making a few hundred dollars a month more than your mortgage payment and you won’t be able to get wealthy with that. One maintenance item will wipe out that cash flow.

What will make you wealthy is sitting on that property and owning that property for 15 years. After 15 years, the value of the property will double and you will own it free and clear. And when that day comes, ALL of that income will be yours. And then you will be wealthy.

Don’t wait to buy rental properties. Buy rental properties and wait.

If you are looking for a mentor to help you find, fund, fix up, and rent out an investment property then click the button below to learn more about my Coaching Program! Start your journey to creating wealth today!

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